
life around the house

Well of course sometime this week we had to get little Mags dressed up and take some cute pictures.
this is just the start of more to come i'm sure of it!
She wasn't to fond of the naked pics -notice the scowl
I can't get enough of these eyes. One of the best things about being her Mom is when i talk to her she finds my face and does her slow blinking stare at me. I know she can recognize my voice and knows that i am close.
She loved her first bath, until it came time to coming out.
Poor Mags had to be under lights for a few days. It was hard cause all she wanted to do was be held. Thank goodness we had a portable wand with lights to hold her with. but yay! no more pricks on the heel everyday!!
I absolutely love this picture! I think Maggie looks just like her daddy. She has his nose, his lips, his face. i love it! He has been wonderful to us! I think I hear 10 times a day, "What can I do for you?" If i ask for something he is immediately up helping before I can finish. He's very cautious and careful. Sometimes he has the magic touch if she's crying. It's so fun to watch them together. She loves her daddy daughter time.
Just relaxin...

I couldn't have done it without grandma this week. She helped me physically by cooking, cleaning and much more, mentally, when i was running on one hour of sleep and emotionally with my pregnancy hormones still racing. Thank you Mom. I love you!


Jared and Lauren said...

Hey we have that same swing! I loved it! So fun to have your mom and Caden around to help!

Penny and Aaron Owens said...

You guys congrats!!! She is absolutely beautiful:) Caden, you just keep being that great support. I loved that part where Megan wrote how you are always asking what you can do-what a great husband and daddy!! Good luck and seriously just take in every minute of this newborn stage. It goes so fast.

Lindsey said...

Ah!! She's so cute!! Congrats! I can't wait to meet her in person!

Britney said...

I loved reading this! It made me cry because it brought back all the memories of my daughter being born 14 years ago! (I'm old)
I loved hearing about how Joce did all the cooking, cleaning etc. for you too! She is so awesome!
What a sweet little angel baby. CONGRATS again!
Love you!