just some stuff
snowing with a chance of running
6 months
older and wiser
While listening to President Uchtdorf’s talk, I knew I wanted to take the opportunity to bear my testimony to “all the world” that I have a testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called by our Heavenly Father to guide us in making right choices in our life. I know that through prayer Heavenly Father can give me comfort, peace and love. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that by sincerely studying and applying the principles I can learn what is expected of me. In this world today Satan is trying to destroy marriages, and eternal families who are sealed in the temple, but I know that if we are studying the scriptures and praying with our spouses that Satan will not have power to break that sealing, because with our Heavenly Father in our relationships, we will not fail. I know there is always forgiveness and mercy because of the Atonement that our Savior performed, because he loves us. The gospel can bring happiness if we obey all the commandments. This I know, in the name of Jesus Christ.
(share your testimony for "all the world")