
18 months old

* sleeps like an angel * has 14 almost 16 teeth * runs fast! * loves books * loves curious george * hates to perform* loves talking on the phone* hates the doctor* loves rearranging my wallet * will go to anyone * loves being outside* wears my shoes * loves to brush her teeth* such an animated face *loves candy (canee)* has a fake giggle
The other day we were about to have lunch and Maggie was wanting something. I would ask her what she wanted and she would say something back. Then she asked for something else and I asked her a question. It was so odd I thought to myself, my baby and I are talking. ( probably only a way we could understand). It's so fun to see your baby turn into a toddler and learn new things. It's in the little things like when we're outside and she points to the sky and says " a (where's ) moon??" or when she wants to read her books herself ( i have to tell her what to say word by word), or when i say "let's go" she grabs my keys and reaches for the doorknob. She has such a fun personality and sure keeps us busy. Oh it's so fun!

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