
in 4 weeks from today!

So I set some goals....
So for those that don't know I play the violin. I have played for almost my whole life, but when Caden and I got married I stopped taking lessons and playing 5 hours a day (from being a music major at snow college). I was lazy at finding a teacher for a year and a half. I realized without help I was losing my talent...so a few months ago I found this wonderful teacher, Leslie and I absolutely love playing again. I'm going to audition for the Salt Lake Symphony in August. I have a recital 4 weeks from today were I am playing this beautiful piece "Vocalise" by Rachmaninoff. I'm back to scales, etudes, and Mozart for auditions. Oh boy!
and on the same day as my recital I'm doing a triathlon!!!

My sister Cassie did this same triathlon last year and encouraged me to do it this year with her. I mean she just have a baby 2 months ago and she's doing it! She's a rock. It's 300 yards swimming, 15 miles biking, then a 5k. I just have to say it's kicking my trash. I've really enjoyed going to swim for exercising and I just ordered a road bike for my birthday and am way excited, but I know the run is going to kick my butt. I've never done anything like this before.Wish me luck! 6 a.m. workouts here I come!

p.s. my sister mal just completed a half marathon today! as Chicago would say " you're the inspiration!" good job!


Britney said...

Go Megs! You can do it! ALL OF IT! you are a woman of many talents!

A and R said...

I'm so excited that you are trying out for the symphony! That's awesome!
Have fun with your tri training...sounds FUN! Someday I'll join you too....maybe.
Congrats Mallory! I'm definitely a fan of half marathons! I think I'll stick to those and not add the bike and swim.

Lindsey said...

oh man Megan.. you're making the me look really bad.... That sounds like a ton of fun though!!! Good luck with the violin. Mr. Beck would be so proud!!! :)

The Poulson's said...

WOW!!!!!!! That is incredible! Good for you! SO are you just now training for your triathalon? Or have you known about it for awhile??? Crazy! Your the WOMAN!

Kendal and Kendra said...

Oh- yikes! You are a brave woman! You can do it!

Megan said...

You can do it all!!! Do you want to go to dinner together sometime this week to celebrate our birthdays??!!

Bethany Gilson said...

Megan you can do it! You can rock out turbo kick like it's noboby's biz naz! You go girl!

Melissa said...

I so want to do another triathlon as soon as I'm not pregnant any more. We should do the Spudman together next summer (it's so fun)! (That gives us about a year and three months to prepare!) Let me know how you end up liking your bike. I might have to spring for one too!

The Tams said...

WOW Megs! Let me know how that goes! I could never do one of those things. I am not a runner that is for sure! You are still amazing at the violin by the way!

Email me at brookelynntams@hotmail.com so I can invite you to my blog.

Multiple Sclerosis Mommy said...

Wow!! Good luck with everything! You're ambitious! You should get Caden playing again too!